About Me!

I am an avid 'sewing' addict. I adore almost any sewing and learned at a young age from my Mom. She sewed alot for us as kids and as sisters we frequently had matching outfits.
In the past I have sewn many skating costumes for my daughter and for the Skating Club in Barrie. One year I was in charge of the entire second half of the carnival. I had many helper and assistants, but it was alot of work to organize, cut and ensure everyone looked nice for an entire weekend of carnival skating.
I think my daughter always had the most unique, pretty outfits and I tried to make sure they reflected the music she skated to. I think the cowgirl outfit was my best! That year she skated to theme music from Bonanza.  It was indeed a very creative outlet for me.
I am luck to have an entire room that is set up for all my crafts. I have set it up to be a very comfy spot.
I also quilt, do some needlepoint, mostly crosstitch, knit and I will try anything I can get my hands on!
Believe it or not I find it very relaxing and satisfying. It is like completing a puzzle for me, a bit of work but alot of fun seeing a picture come together and satisfying to have a completed object.