Monday 25 April 2011

April - Withdrawal

Since Cory has been away I have tried to keep busy and have finished up quite a few projects!Thursday just before Good Friday, I had a panic of withdrawal! I ventured into the Purple Sock and pretty much forced  Lynne into finding me a pattern and some socks to knit. It was an emergency!! Ha ha. I was in withdrawal because I realized I was not going to make it to the next sock knitting group meeting and would have nothing (portable) to take with me to Florida. Lynne was great and quickly found a pattern for me and together we picked some really rich green alpaca wool. It is so soft and fine, love them already!

Lynne was great, stepped up to the plate even though she was on a minimal amount of sleep (she just returned from a well deserved vacation)  and I left a very happy woman. I also noticed a really nice sweater on the wall. The Purple Sock is such an inspiring shop. Thanks Lynne you really are great.

Today my plan is to tidy up my sewing room to a bit of sewing on this quilt I started last October. I know this sounds like it is taking forever but it is a bit repetitive. I have over sized the original to fit our queen size bed. The original pattern was for a 9 square wall hanging and this will have 72 squares. My goal is to finish it by October 2011. I may actually make it!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Quilt Guild - Wed March 16/11

I have been the secretary for the past couple months and have been doing the minutes. I have managed to keep up with that I think OK, but maybe I should ask the guild members?? When is Jackie back?? At the last minute I was asked to do a presentation on 'leaders and enders'. I would have liked to have done a more through job, but I did the best I could. There was much discussion, so maybe that was a good thing?? Sue gave me a lovely quilt book  and I can't wait to sit with a cup of tea and have a really good look at it. Next meeting / month we are to bring in some scrappy quilts to show and tell... hum which ones. They really are my favourite. And when I think about it I do have quite a few!

Quilt - Scrappy Stars

Well after many months and lots of searching through my stash, I handed my quilt to Cathy Petrie to quilt. She did a great job, not sure you can really see the quilting on this but I was really happy with it. I finally got a round to binding it. The Evening Quilt Guild meets this week and the homework is to bring scrappy quilts... I seem to have alot of them. They are likely my favourite. Stars by Magic (book) is likely the best way to make stars. The points end up perfectly aligned.
I have barely made a dent in my stash... but oh well that is kind of the point. Endless!!
Well off to my sewing room to get inspired.....

Monday 4 April 2011

Entrelac Socks All Done!!

Got them done! They were a bit of work (to learn a new pattern) and yet I really enjoyed making them.

I always love a challenge and surprisingly once you get the hang of the pattern, they are pretty straight forward. I liked doing the peasant heel and can see how they would make a great replacement heel for when socks wear out.

Izzy Dolls

One of the projects that the Purple Sock is working on are the Izzy Dolls for the Georgian College students to take to the Dominican Republic to give to children they will meet in the clinics where they will be volunteering. I had some scraps and then did go and get some hairy wool for some hair. They are fun to make and each has its own personality. So I ended up with 6 to send off.
I hope they put a smile on some little ones faces!