Monday 28 March 2011

Sure Signs of Spring

On the way to work today out on Division Rd I saw 4 deer romping around. It is still cold but the sun was bright and they blended in with the brown fields.
Once I got further along, just past Marchmount - there were two very ugly turkeys!! Right there on the side of the road. They will be much fatter by Thanksgiving if they don't become road kill!

The third sign is the ice piling up at the lake front,,,,,

Plus it is a Happy Birthday! # 19 for Rachel!!

Saturday 26 March 2011

March 26 2011

Another day is here! It is so cold out -10 degrees... is the snow ever going to melt?? The high is going to be a whopping -4.
I'm not at work today and plan to take the dog later for a hair cut.. I have some running around to do in town while she is getting beautified. 
I got my fab and drab card renewed so I am good to go for the big sale.. doubt I will find much. Not like I need any more projects! 

Rachel is happy to have her school year nearly over. Hard to believe she has her first year at Western almost in. Big Birthday for her coming up on Monday - 19 years. WOW hard to believe. Seems like yesterday. 

Mom and Dad will be home soon from florida and it sounds like they have had great weather and a nice time.
Cory will be home in 28 days and counting.
Then we head to Sanibel Island. Can't wait. Sitting on the beach and reading a few good books - YEAH!!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Barb' Book Signing

I was working on Saturday, March 19, and at lunch time we headed down to Manticore Book Store to get a signed copy of Barb's latest book "A Winter Town". I think she was happy to see us - Polyann, Jody and me! There were lots of people there and I think the signing was a great success!! Barb I am so proud of you

Saturday 12 March 2011

Bored Cessna

Poor fluffy hairy dog.. So neglected!! haha
WOW I must be bored... yikes
This is too much fun.

What have I been up to??

Well I have been busy. I joined a sock knitting group! I have always loved knitting and am lucky to have been taught early in life. I joined the group at the Purple Sock in Coldwater. Lynn is the owner and is indeed a creative person. I really enjoy the group that meets in the back room! Jody encouraged me to join; it is indeed convenient for me as I drop in frequently after work! Some times too often. The socks are definintely a challenge but I have been able to figure them out. Between Jody and I we have successfully 'collaborated' and got the job done. It is great to have a friend that has similar interests and we really encourage each other. Keeps me going and when we meet up it is fun to see how far we get!!

The next sock assignment was to learn the technique called intralac. This is as far as I have managed. I do plan to get some more done today. It is the look of the interlocking weaving stitches I like. I am not really fond of this wool though for socks. It is a bit rough after all the really nice yarn we have been using. The colours have not worked out like I had hoped but that is the chance you take with this stuff. I am looking forward to trying the heel it is a new technique called the peasant heel... hum not doubt a challenge. Lynn keeps us on our toes. Don't look at the price! opps!

Here are a few other projects Yummy Mommy mitts and

Here are some others that take about 2-3 hours. These are for my niece Jilly!!

Hi, My first blog!!

I can't believe I am doing this... something I hope will challenge me and I hope this will be a place to keep 'stuff'!