Saturday 26 March 2011

March 26 2011

Another day is here! It is so cold out -10 degrees... is the snow ever going to melt?? The high is going to be a whopping -4.
I'm not at work today and plan to take the dog later for a hair cut.. I have some running around to do in town while she is getting beautified. 
I got my fab and drab card renewed so I am good to go for the big sale.. doubt I will find much. Not like I need any more projects! 

Rachel is happy to have her school year nearly over. Hard to believe she has her first year at Western almost in. Big Birthday for her coming up on Monday - 19 years. WOW hard to believe. Seems like yesterday. 

Mom and Dad will be home soon from florida and it sounds like they have had great weather and a nice time.
Cory will be home in 28 days and counting.
Then we head to Sanibel Island. Can't wait. Sitting on the beach and reading a few good books - YEAH!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sonya,
    My name is Jocelyn, i heard you're already reading my blog. Your husband gave me the link to yours and i was glad to take a look and finally 'meet' you. We've enjoyed having Cory stay next door very much (we're a bit short on good Canadians around here) and are sad that he's not coming back. Alas. Are you sure you dont want to come back together sometime soon for a visit? :-)

    btw. i'm totally enamored with those interlocking stitch variegated wool socks you're knitting. gah! they look awesome!

    jocelyn (in Madagascar)
