Thursday 9 June 2011

Sanibel May 2011

At Three Crafty Ladies I picked up some fat squares to add to my stash for Rachels new quilt for school in the fall. It will be blue and white to match with a duvet I got earlier in the spring. She has a queen size bed now so that increases the need and the project. I always prefer to make things that will actually fit a need vs. just making something for the sake of making something... hope that makes sense. I guess that is why I end up with huge projects that I have to admit overwhelm me sometimes or take me longer to complete. I learned this about myself early on though. I have an aversion to having a drawer or closet full of things that aren't useful to me or anyone else for that matter. When they sit in a closet no one is enjoying them. Reminds me of buying dishes that you are too afraid to use. I LOVE it when I see some thing I have made used and worn out. It makes me feel like they loved it as much as I loved making it for them!
This is the inspiration for the quilt. It is a pillow case and duvet cover that is embroidered in tones of blue on a white background.

and here is the pile.

 Decided to go with the Statavarious- Sweet and Sour pattern. This will give me a great opportunity to use leaders and enders....

Rachel even managed to go and have a look at the quilt hanging at Thimbles & Things and she likes it!! That is a relief especially since I have it cut out!

Thanks Sue for all your help... you are such an inspiration.

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